Honour Bound
An excert from "Ch'tach - A Warriors Life"
By Ch'tach

 Ch'tatch roared as the first shot hit him, he stagered back against the wall. The Dorlomin soldier thought he was on a winner and moved in close backed up by four of his comrades, then as they were within striking distance Ch'tatch let out another roar - this one of anger - and pounced.

 Captain Sykes viewed the carnage, he shook his head as he looked over at Ch'tatch being tended by a nurse. The klingon looked at him and smiled a big smile that turned into a roar of laughter, the nurse looked up uncertain as the wounded Captain took to his feet. "What is it with you Sykes, of late your stomach for combat seems slightly deflated." He clapped the Human on the shoulder. "Why i remember a time when it was I pulling you off during a bar brawl." Sykes actually had to stop himself from smiling, he to remembered that time, but this was now. "You know how things are now Ch'tatch, we have to make ourselves out to be better than the Dominion, and you fighting in every bar you come across won't help that cause and when I get in a bar fight it dose'nt usually involve knives and guns." "Defiant to Sykes." "Sykes here go ahead." "Sir, two Jem Ha'dar ships have just dropped out of warp and are heading toward us." "Okay, beam me up. Go to yellow alert." Sykes looked at Ch'tatch who was still grinning. "Jem Ha'dar Ch'tatch, not rushing back to your ship?" The Klingon shrugged his shoulders, "Not just yet, I'll let you handle this one, still a few more bars along this street yet." As the transporter effect took him he could still hear Ch'tatch's laughter.

It was still another three hours before Ch'tatch made it back to his ship, the other bars were not that interesting and he had'nt lingered long. All looked well and there was nothing to report so he decided to get his head down for a while, then just as he was settling himself he was called to the bridge. Hu'chi his first officer relinquished the centre seat. "We're being hailed by the Defiant captain." Ch'tatch smiled, "On screen - can't cope without me then Sykes??" He looked up and Commander Silver's concerned face looked back. "I'm sorry Captain Ch'tatch, but judging by your comment I take it you do not know the whereabouts of Captain Sykes either." Ch'tatch sat upright in his chair, "He beamed aboard over three hours ago to see what the Jem Ha'dar wanted!!!" Silver looked over his shoulder, "We have not heard from the Captain since he beamed down to the surface to see you, there have been no reports of Jem Ha'dar activity in this sector for weeks." Ch'tach looked at Hu'chi, "Report." "There has been nothing out of the ordinary all day, we have detected no ships." Commander Silver cut in, "I had better raise Starbase 145 and report the captains disappearence." Ch'tatch growled, "And I will see the Dorlomin Govener and see what he knows." Before the Human could answer Ch'tatch cut the link, he stood and went over to Hu'chi. " You and I will pay the Govener a visit, this 'incident' occured on his planet, so we shall eliminate him from our enquiries first." Hu'chi nodded and they headed for the transporter room.

Dorius Nai was typical of a Dorlomin, the term that best suited him was slimy, and the presence of two Klingon's in his office did not help that appearence. Hu'chi sat and glared whilst Ch'tatch stalked around the room, it appeared at any moment the little official might die of fright. "Come now ambassador." bellowed Ch'tatch "This is your domain, your planet, surely something as serious as the abduction of a Starfleet captain had come to your attention, you can't expect to run an administration without information like that." Nai squirmed under Ch'tatch's glare,"Surely sir's, I have no knowledge of this occurence. We want peaceful relations with our friends from the Alpha Quadrant, after the Dominion we want no more trouble." He tried to stand but Ch'tatch pushed him back down, he nodded to Hu'chi who reached and took out his D'kt'akh, the Governer began to sweat even more, Ch'tatch leaned closer. "My first officer is very adept in surgical matters, and he will keep you alive for quite a while." Hu'chi stood and made to round the table, Ch'tatch placed his hand on Nai's shoulder,"Only I as his commanding officer could possibly stop him, now quickly before it's too late." Nai squealed and tried to break free but Ch'tach held him still, "Sorean......it's Sorean Dea, she is behind this." Ch'tach released his hold, he slapped his communicator, "Kirish, direct transport us to the co-ordinates I was at this morning." Hu'chi looked puzzled at is captain, "We're going for a little drink!!."

 The Dorlomin smashed throught the window into the street, closely followed by another, the crowd that had gathered scattered as the first shots were fired. Ch'tatch staggered back, today was not going to be one of his better ones, that was twice he'd been shot now and it was'nt going to improve his temper any, he surged forward as two more shots rang over his head. Hu'chi fared little better, he swung around with a small Dorlomin clutching his neck and another clinging to his leg, he reached down clubbing at the one on the floor who after three blows released his hold, the other - obviously guessing what was coming - released his hold and bolted for the door, Hu'chi spun round to help his captain.  The fight raged for another half hour before the exhausted Dorlomin broke and ran with the Klingon's after them, Ch'tatch hit his comunicator. " Kirish, scan the surface, thier heading for the space port, I don't want them getting away." One of the fleeing Dorlomin tripped and fell, Hu'chi pounced on him as Ch'tach continued the chase, he rounded a corner and heard a cry of pain from behind him but continued running straight into a barrage of weopens fire, he threw himself to the ground drawing his Distrupter as he went and fired back, two Dorlomin fell and the rest turned and fled, Ch'tatch got to his feet as his communicator chirped, "Captain we have them, a ship is powering up, shall we disable?" Ch'tatch caught his breath, "No, they will lead us to Sykes." He broke the communication and turned back toward Hu'chi.

 Ch'tatch stormed onto the bridge and threw himself into his seat, "Get me Defiant." He bellowed,"Set course after that shuttle and cloak us." Kirish turned to her captain,"I have Commander Silver for you." Ch'tatch nodded as she put him on the main viewer. Silver looked concerned,"Captain, you have news?" Ch'tatch nodded, "We are tracking a Dorlomin shuttle, she will lead us to your Captain, I have sent you co-ordinates where one of my men is injured, can you beam him aboard and see to his needs." He motioned to cut the transmission but Silver cut in,"Captain Ch'tatch, you mean you left one of your men in a hostile area?" A grin spread across Ch'tatch's face," It's all according as to what you call hostile!! He was alive and armed, that is all a Klingon wants. Hu'chi has fought alongside me for ten years, his father is Master at Arms for my fathers estate, he knows what is expected of him. Now I must go, your Captain awaits." He cut the link and looked over at Kirish, "Set course after that shuttle, DON'T loose it."

 Captain Sykes brought his clenched fists down hard across the back of the Norsican, it had little effect except to enrage him even more, Sykes glanced off to his left, his 'partner' was being pummled by the Jem ha'dar who partnered the Norsican and as he watched the Jem ha'dar dealt the killer blow and turned toward him, he backed up ready for the worst but the Jem Ha'dar attacked the Norsican and pretty soon they had both forgotten about him.

 The Norsican was more resiliant than his opponent - or not as tired - and soon despatched him, then he turned his attention back to Sykes. Picking up one of the discarded swords on the ground he advanced on the Human, then the air between them shimmered and all Sykes could see was a huge armoured back, a Klingon back, he heard a roar and the Norsican and Klingon were on the floor kicking and biting at each other, three more Klingons matterialised and advanced on the approaching guards, Sykes heard a shout. "Ho Captain!! had enough excitement for one day?" Looking up he saw the grinning face of Ch'tatch in the audience.

 Sykes sat and watched Ch'tatch pace, a Medtech tended to his wounds, he listened as the Klingon re-counted his adventures. "Well it seems this might be partly my fault, you see it all steems from my little disagreement with Sorean Dea and her husband this morning that resulted in my fight, you know the one you broke up. Well it seems the Dorlomin are not unlike Klingons, they are very honour bound and you insulted thier honour by not allowing them to carry out thier anger on me, in stopping the fight you became thier target, they had to kill you in order to restore thier honour. So Dea arranged for you to be brought here to this old Jem Ha'dar prison so justice could be carried out. And as usual I came along and saved the day." He broke into uncontrolable laughter at the look on Sykes face,the Human rose and walked over to the shrouded bodies on the ground. "How long were you up there watching before you had your men beam in." Ch'tatch looked bashful and shrugged, "Half hour or so."  Sykes shook his head, not sure whether to ne angry or not, but then Ch'tatch had saved him, but he had had some fun at the Captains exspence. He tapped his combadge, "Sykes here, one to beam up."

 Ch'tatch stood looking out of his window when he heard the door open behind him. He saw Hu'chi's reflection in the glass, smiling he turned to his friend, "Well, can't leave you to do anything, Heh??" Hu'chi was heavily bandaged across his chest and arm, he had lost two fingers when the suicide bomb had gone off, he smiled back at his captain. "Next time you can take the stragglers!!" They both broke into laughter as the stars outside smeared into warp.

---- End ----

A story by Ch'tach

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